Price:> $29.95
Ensuring correct phase alignment is critical for achieving clear, full-bodied sound in a typical audio production or live sound system. In steps an inline, lifesaving tool with multiple applications. the Sescom PHASEREVERSE. It will keep your sound on-track whether used in mic setups, monitoring or speaker setups where wiring may be installed incorrectly. Phase reversal can also be used in sound design to intentionally change the phase when seeking to create a wider stereo image or unique spatial effects.
Phase Issue CorrectionIf you have setup multiple mics to capture the same sound source, such as vocals or drums, phase cancellation can occur, which results in a sound that lacks depth and richness. By employing the Sescom PHASEREVERSE, this issue can be corrected by flipping the phase of one of your signals by 180°.
Additionally, if you have two channels in a stereo mix that are out of phase, your sound can lack clarity, especially in mono playback, and this unit will help correct this.
Live Sound Feedback Reduction and Monitor AlignmentA couple of other uses for the Sescom PHASEREVERSE exist in live sound setups. Phase issues between microphones and monitors often contributes to feedback. By reversing the phase of certain inputs or sources, you can help reduce the threat of feedback. For stage wedges, performers can realized improved sound quality by using the PHASEREVERSE to align monitors and microphones.
This is the perfect tool for the sound professional. It's low in cost and can work magic in a number of ways!